Purchase Banquet Tickets – Award Winner (and HOF Alumni)

• This year’s “BCAM Hall of Fame Banquet” is SUNDAY, October 13, 2024
• Banquet is at the Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac Hotel – 3600 Centerpoint Parkway, Pontiac.
• Hospitality Hour begins at 2:00 PM
• Meal/Program begins at 3:00 PM
• Ticket cost is $45/person which pays for your adult meal (3% cc use fee added to total cost)
• Tickets will be held at the door. Tickets will NOT be mailed to you.
• Semi-formal attire would be appropriate for this event. (men in sport coats or shirt/tie)
• If anyone in your party has dietary restrictions, please explain in your ticket order
• NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD at the door.
• NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD after Sunday, October 6th.
• Any questions, email tina@bcam.org

Meal Options – (Must choose a meal type for each guest when tickets are purchased)
BEEF – Braised Boneless Short Rib, Salad, Starch, Vegetable, Dessert.
CHICKEN – Herb Roasted Chicken Breast with Marsala Garlic Sauce, Salad, Starch, Vegetable, Dessert.
MEATLESS – Butternut Squash stuffed with Quinoa, Dried Cherries, Asparagus, Mushrooms and Shallots drizzled with squash puree and candied pecans (Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free). Salad and Dessert.